Program Highlights
Fall 2019 Dates
August 18 – December 14, 2019
Faculty Director
Jed Simmons,
Minor in Entrepreneurship
Program Highlights
The Shuford Program in New York is a pilot program offering a unique study abroad opportunity to live, work, study and experience New York City’s innovation and entrepreneurship communities. The seminar is a 15 credit “study away” program that includes classes and an internship that meet the requirements to complete the Minor in Entrepreneurship while customized to deliver a New York City experience. Through their coursework and additional programming, students will meet entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, product leaders, thought leaders, design thinkers, and industry leaders, visiting companies and venues at the heart of New York’s entrepreneurship and innovation ecosystem.
The program begins with a two-week “boot camp” in the heart of the vibrant and growing entrepreneurship community of Durham before departing for New York.
The seminar is open to students with second-year status and a 3.0 GPA who have completed ECON 101 (a prerequisite) and have completed or are enrolled in the Minor’s gateway course, ECON 125 (Introduction to Entrepreneurship), or with instructor permission.