
Scholarship | Subject | GPA Minimum | Location |
A. Owen Aldridge Prize The competition is named in honor of A. Owen Aldridge, founder of Comparative Literature Studies. The purpose of this competition is to encourage and recognize excellence in scholarship among graduate students and to reward the highest achievement by publication. Graduate students in a comparative literature department or program are encouraged to submit a polished paper in English, approximately 15-20 pages long, and prepared for anonymous evaluation. |
Humanities and Fine Arts | Unspecified | North America |
A.C. Elias, Jr. Travel Fellowship The American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies (ASECS) A. C. Elias Irish-American Research Travel Fellowship, with $2500 in annual funding, supports “documentary scholarship on Ireland in the period between the Treaty of Limerick (1691) and the Act of Union (1800), by enabling North American-based scholars to travel to Ireland and Irish-based scholars to travel to North America for furthering their research.” Projects conducting original research on any aspect of 18C Ireland qualify for consideration, but recipients must be members of ASECS who have permanent residence in the United States or Canada or be members of its Irish sister organization, The Eighteenth-Century Ireland Society, residing on the island of Ireland. Prize winners are chosen by an independent jury of three scholars from different disciplines after each is seen by readers in the applicant’s field. |
Humanities and Fine Arts | Unspecified | Europe / UK |
AAAS Mass Media Science & Engineering For 10 weeks during the summer, the AAAS Mass Media Science & Engineering Fellows collaborate with media professionals at radio and television stations, newspapers, and magazines |
Additional Fellowships, Math & Science | Unspecified | North America |
AAERO Aviation Scholarship Program The AAERO Scholarship Program is for aspiring pilots who not yet received their PPL certificate. The AAERO Aviation Scholarship is awarded to only a handful of select individuals who have demonstrated their passion and ability to complete their PPL certification within 12 months of applying for the program. |
Additional Fellowships | Unspecified | North America, Various Locations |
AAUW International Fellowships International Fellowships are awarded for full-time study or research in the United States to women who are not U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Both graduate and postgraduate studies at accredited U.S. institutions are supported. |
Additional Fellowships, Global Studies & Foreign Language Skills, Humanities and Fine Arts, Math & Science, Media & Journalism, Professional (Medicine/Law/Business), Public Policy & Social Sciences | Unspecified | North America |
ABA Legal Opportunity Scholarship Fund The ABA Legal Opportunity Scholarship grants 20 incoming diverse law students with $15,000 of financial assistance over the course of their three years in law school. |
Professional (Medicine/Law/Business) | Unspecified | North America |
Abbey Scholarship in Painting Full year academic fellowship at the British School in Rome. Open to early-career artists, predominantly painters in the expanded field, whose work shows exceptional merit and promise. |
Humanities and Fine Arts | Unspecified | Europe / UK |
Academic Council on the United Nations System (ACUNS) – Dissertation Writing Awards Program The ACUNS Dissertation Award recognizes graduate students of extraordinary potential who have recently defended or are nearing completion of a doctoral dissertation on a topic of direct and demonstrable relevance to the United Nations and/or the UN system. |
Humanities and Fine Arts, Professional (Medicine/Law/Business), Public Policy & Social Sciences | Unspecified | Various Locations |
Academy Nicholl Fellowship The Academy Nicholl Fellowships in Screenwriting is an international screenwriting competition established to identify and encourage talented new screenwriters. Each year, the Academy Nicholl screenwriting competition awards up to five $35,000 fellowships to amateur screenwriters. Fellowship winners are invited to participate in awards week ceremonies and seminars and expected to complete at least one original feature film screenplay during the Fellowship year. |
Humanities and Fine Arts | Unspecified | North America |
Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia Jessup & McHenry Short-Term Research Awards stipend and living expenses to conduct studies at the postgraduate, doctoral and postdoctoral levels under the supervision or sponsorship of a member of the curatorial staff of the Academy. The minimum duration of an award is two (2) weeks; the maximum is sixteen (16) weeks. |
Math & Science | Unspecified | North America |