
Latest Past Events

HCSA End-of-Year Celebration! (All Years)

Graham Memorial Terrace 218 E. Franklin Street, Chapel Hill

Come join your fellow Honors students for a relaxed gathering with sweet treats, friends, and lawn games. This event is sponsored by Honors Carolina. Register on the Go Anywhere platform.

Building Your Emotional, Social, & Mental Wellness Toolkit

Gardner Hall, Rm 104 (Shuford Suite)

Honors Carolina (in partnership with the Shuford Wellness Initiative) is kicking off a 6-part series focusing on resiliency. Topics will range from your story, your world, your peace. Part 6 of 6: Your Peace - Come explore how the power of … Continued

Building Your Emotional, Social, & Mental Wellness Toolkit

Gardner Hall, Rm 104 (Shuford Suite)

Honors Carolina (in partnership with the Shuford Wellness Initiative) is kicking off a 6-part series focusing on resiliency. Topics will range from your story, your world, your peace. Part 5 of 6: Your Lowercase “f” - Come explore how the power … Continued