Human Rights

This Burch Field Research Seminar is a four-week program examining how the international community has attempted to respond to war crimes and other crimes since World War II.

We’ll spend two weeks in the Hague, in the Netherlands, visiting among other places the International Criminal Court, the International Court of Justice and the Anne Frank House, to learn about the architecture of the human rights mechanisms that emerged after World War II to hold accountable perpetrators of war crimes and genocide. Then we’ll spend two weeks in Bosnia, studying in and traveling through a post-conflict society, to learn how it has attempted to manage the aftermath of the terrible violence and war crimes that occurred during the 1990s Bosnian war and the efforts and challenges since then to promote peace and reconciliation and to prevent a recurrence of the violence.

Summer 2024
May 25 - June 22, 2024

Application Deadline

January 31


All Burch Field Research Seminars are open to UNC undergraduates (second-year status or greater) who have a 3.0 GPA. No course pre-requisites.


Gina Difino
Director, Global Education and Fellowships

Schedule an appointment to discuss Honors Study Abroad programs here.