Golding Fund for Study of Slavery and the African American Experience
The Gordon P. Golding Fund for Study of Slavery and the African American Experience provides financial support to promote undergraduate research on slavery and the African American experience from the early 17th through the late 19th centuries. Eligible projects include, but are not limited to, Senior Honors Theses and research-based undergraduate courses.
How to Apply For Research Award Funding
Students who are interested in research funding for a Senior Honors Thesis should apply through Honors Carolina’s Senior Thesis Research Grants program.
Here are two examples of a Senior Honors Thesis completed with a Golding Research Award: “Breaking Barriers: Turning Obstacles into Motivation to Escape” and “Church Attendance Among Civil War Soldiers.”
How to Apply For Course Funding
Faculty who are interested in obtaining funding support for an Honors Carolina course should contact James Leloudis, Associate Dean for Honors Carolina.
A recent course supported by the Golding Fund was Slavery and Place: The South Carolina Case, a Maymester course that combined two weeks of intensive research in plantation records with a week-long excursion to Charleston that allowed students to walk the landscape they have studied in the archives.