
Office of Distinguished Scholarships Strive

Type of Award

GPA Minimums

Open to Non-US Citizens


Scholarship Subject GPA Minimum Location
International Centre for Diffraction Data Ludo Frevel Crystallography Graduate Scholarship

Scholarships support the education and research program of promising graduate students with a major interest in crystallography, e.g. crystal structure analysis, crystal morphology, modulated structures, correlation of atomic structure with physical properties, systematic classification of crystal structures, phase identification and materials characterization. Applicants’ home departments including, but are not limited to, physics, chemistry, geology, molecular biology, metallurgy, and material science. The scholarship offers support for one year.

Math & Science Unspecified Various Locations
International Council for Canadian Studies (ICCS) Short-Term Graduate Research Travel Grant

The ICSS offers 4-6 week travel grants to enable master’s and doctoral students to do research related to their thesis or dissertation at a Canadian university in the field of Canadian Studies.


Applicants submit their applications directly to the secretariat of their national Canadian Studies association, which then submits the applications to the ICCS by November 24, 2015. Deadlines for applicant submission vary with each Canadian Studies association.

Global Studies & Foreign Language Skills, Humanities and Fine Arts, Public Policy & Social Sciences Unspecified North America
International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) Foundation Charles Grossman Graduate Scholarship in Retail Real Estate

The Foundation offers a graduate level scholarship to individuals studying retail real estate or a related curriculum.

Professional (Medicine/Law/Business) 3-4 Various Locations
International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) Foundation Edward J. DeBartolo, Sr. Graduate Scholarship

The Foundation offers graduate level scholarships for students committed to pursuing a career in retail real estate or related fields. Preference is given to those with financial need.

Professional (Medicine/Law/Business) 3-4 Various Locations
International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC) Foundation Graduate Diversity Scholarship in Retail Real Estate

The Foundation offers graduate level scholarships to increase the ethnic diversity within the community of highly skilled retail real estate professionals

Professional (Medicine/Law/Business) 3-4 Various Locations
International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES) Manatt Democracy Studies Fellowship

The Manatt Fellowships support graduate students attending universities in the American Midwest to conduct research in democracy development, election administration, and civic participation in the political process. Research takes place at the International Foundation for Electoral Systems in Washington, D.C. The fellowship is for six to ten weeks.

Public Policy & Social Sciences Unspecified North America
International Foundation for Ethical Research (IFER) Graduate Fellowships for Alternatives to the Use of Animals in Scientific Research

Fellowships support graduate students seeking to incorporate animal welfare concerns and innovative technologies into their studies in order to encourage them at the earliest stages of their career to integrate innovation and discovery with ethics and respect for animals. Fellowships are awarded to those candidates whose program of study shows the greatest potential to replace the use of animals in science. The fellowships offer support for one year and are renewable for up to three years.

Humanities and Fine Arts, Math & Science, Public Policy & Social Sciences Unspecified North America
International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA) – Postdoctoral Fellowship

Fellowships are for researchers in natural and social sciences, mathematics, engineering, management and decision sciences, and policy analysis. Fellows work in IIASA’s cross-disciplinary, systems-focused environment on problems related to critical policy issues facing the globe. They are expected to conduct their own research in collaboration with one or more of IIASA’s research programs or special projects. The fellowships are for 1-2 years.


Math & Science, Public Policy & Social Sciences Unspecified Various Locations
International Union for the Study of Social Insects, North American Section (IUSSI-NAS) Research Grants

Awards support graduate student and postdoctoral research on social arthropods.

Jeanne Social Wasp Research Grant is for graduate student research into any aspect of the basic biology of social wasps.

Nutting Termite Research Grant is for graduate and postdoctoral research in the field of basic termite biology.

Tschinkel Ant Natural History Research Grant is for graduate student research into basic natural history and biology of ants.

Math & Science Unspecified Various Locations
International Women’s Fishing Association (IWFA) Graduate Scholarship

IWFA offers graduate scholarships to provide financial assistance to marine science graduate students who meet the criteria in order to prepare them to be the future researchers and managers of fisheries. Scholarships are awarded annually and past recipients may reapply.

Math & Science Unspecified Various Locations