
Latest Past Events

HCSA Turkey Trot at Kenan Stadium

Kenan Memorial Stadium

Tar Heels!! On the morning of Sunday, November 6th, the Honors Carolina Student Association invites you to Kenan Stadium for a Turkey Trot! We hope this will serve as a relaxing study break. Bring your friends, take a walk, have … Continued

Map the System Global Challenge Info Session

Tate-Turner-Kurait Building, Rm 136 325 Pittsboro St, Chapel Hill, NC 27516, Chapel Hill, NC 27516

Are you interested in research and advocacy? You should know about the global student competition known as Map the System (MTS). This competition encourages students to tackle complex problems using systems thinking. Students are also encouraged to communicate their findings with a … Continued

2022-2023 Shuford-in-Residence Panel with Mackenzie Thomas ’13, Google

Graham Memorial, Room 039 (Basement Level) 218 E. Franklin Street, Chapel Hill

The Shuford Innovator-in-Residence Program brings together a cohort of industry subject matter experts with an intentional focus on diversity of personal and professional backgrounds, experiences, and identities. These leaders, all Carolina alumni, will support students in the Shuford Program in Entrepreneurship through … Continued