
Office of Distinguished Scholarships Strive

Type of Award

GPA Minimums

Open to Non-US Citizens


Scholarship Subject GPA Minimum Location
University College Dublin (UCD) Global Excellence Scholarship

A scholarship that funds between 50 and 100% of tuition costs for studying at University College Dublin, Ireland’s Global University.

Additional Fellowships 3-4 Europe / UK
University Film and Video Association (UFVA) Carole Fielding Student Grant

Supports work by undergraduate and graduate students in film and video, awarding for production proposals in five categories.

Humanities and Fine Arts Unspecified North America
University Film and Video Association (UFVA) KODAK Student Filmmaking and Cinematography Grant

Accredited film schools may nominate students. Nominees will be evaluated on the basis of academic achievement, creative and technical ability, communications ability, and range of filmmaking experience.

Humanities and Fine Arts Unspecified North America
University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Research Fellowship

Fellowships support the use of UCLA Library Special Collections’ extensive holdings in medieval and Renaissance manuscripts and printed books. These include the Ahmanson-Murphy Aldine and Early Italian Printing Collections; the Elmer Belt Library of Vinciana; the Orsini Family Papers; the Bourbon del Monte de San Faustino Family Papers; the Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts Collection; the Richard and Mary Rouse Collection of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts and Early Printed Books; and the Medieval and Renaissance Arabic and Persian Medical Manuscripts. The fellowship offers up to three months of support.

Humanities and Fine Arts Unspecified North America
University of Colorado Chancellor’s Postdoctoral Fellowship Program for Faculty Diversity

lowships support scholars in all academic fields whose creative work/research, teaching and service will contribute to diversity and equal opportunity in higher education. The program is particularly interested in scholars with a non-traditional educational background or understanding of the experiences of groups historically underrepresented in higher education. Fellows focus on research and publishing activities that will enhance their prospects for appointment as a tenure-track faculty member. The goal of the Program is to develop an outstanding pool of potential new faculty members in a wide range of disciplines. The fellowship offers support for one year, renewable for one additional year.


Humanities and Fine Arts, Math & Science, Public Policy & Social Sciences North America
University of Exeter: MA Cultures and Environments of Health Scholarships

The University of Exeter, in partnership with the Wellcome Trust, offers three bursaries (scholarships), to students enrolling on our University of Exeter’s MA Cultures and Environments of Health programme.

3-4 Europe / UK
University of Kentucky Lyman T. Johnson Postdoctoral Fellowships to Enhance Diversity

Fellowships support individualized research in any discipline under the mentorship of one or more University of Kentucky (UK) professors. Fellows participate in departmental and professional research related activities. They play a lead role in designing, developing and implementing research programs that contribute to a department’s overall graduate education and research mandates. The fellowship offers support for one year, with possible renewal for a second year.


Humanities and Fine Arts, Math & Science, Public Policy & Social Sciences Unspecified North America
University of Michigan /American Oriental Society Louise Wallace Hackney Fellowship for the Study of Chinese Art

The Fellowship supports the study of Chinese art, with special emphasis on painting and its reflection of Chinese culture. The Fellowship also supports the translation into English of works on Chinese art for the purpose of furthering a better understanding of Chinese painting in the United States. The fellowship offers support for 12 months.

Global Studies & Foreign Language Skills, Humanities and Fine Arts Unspecified North America
University of Michigan National Center for Institutional Diversity (NCID) Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

The NCID Postdoctoral Fellowship is a one-year (12 month) fellowship that is aimed at promoting and supporting the work of outstanding early career diversity scholars. This program provides the opportunity of protected time for focused scholarship, as well as to engage with the rich intellectual community at the University of Michigan.

Humanities and Fine Arts, Math & Science, Media & Journalism, Public Policy & Social Sciences Unspecified North America
University of Michigan Society of Fellows Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities, Arts, Sciences & Professions

Fellowships are for early career scholars and scientists in the social, physical and life sciences, the humanities, and in the professional schools. Fellows are appointed as non-tenure track Assistant Professors in an affiliated department and as Postdoctoral Scholars in the Michigan Society of Fellows. They are expected to be in residence in Ann Arbor during the academic years of the fellowship and to teach the equivalent of one academic year during the fellowship period (a total of two terms). The fellowship offers support for three years.

Humanities and Fine Arts, Math & Science, Media & Journalism, Professional (Medicine/Law/Business), Public Policy & Social Sciences Unspecified North America