Fall 2023 Honors Courses

Course times and offerings subject to change. Please refer to ConnectCarolina for information on general education requirements.
Second-, third-, and fourth-year students may use the following honors course equivalents to earn credit toward completion of the Honors Carolina Laureate requirements. More details here.




ARTS 105H.001 | Basic Photography

ARTH 285H.001 | Art Since 1960

ARTS 409H.001 | Art & Science: Merging Printmaking and Biology


BIOL 409L.401 | Art & Science: Merging Printmaking and Biology

BIOL 514H.001 | Evolution and Development

BIOL 543H.001 | Cardiovascular Biology


BUSI 409H.001 | Advanced Corporate Finance

BUSI 409H.002 | Advanced Corporate Finance

BUSI 500H.001 | Entrepreneurship and Business Planning

BUSI 507H.001 | Sustainable Business and Social Enterprise

BUSI 533H.001 | Supply Chain Management

BUSI 554H.001 | Consulting Skills and Frameworks

BUSI 554H.002 | Consulting Skills and Frameworks

BUSI 583H.001 | Applied Investment Management

BUSI 588H.001 | Derivative Securities and Risk Management

BUSI 588H.002 | Derivative Securities and Risk Management

BUSI 589H.001 | Fixed Income

BUSI 589H.002 | Fixed Income


CHEM 102H.001 | Advanced General Descriptive Chemistry

CHEM 241H.001 | Modern Analytical Methods for Separation and Characterization

CHEM 261H.001 | Honors Organic Chemistry I

CHEM 397H.001 | Honors Colloquium in Chemistry

CHEM 430H.001 | Intro to Biochemistry


CLAS 131H.001 | Classical Mythology

CLAS 263H.001 | Athletics in the Greek and Roman World

Computer Science

COMP 283H.001 | Discrete Structures

Creative Writing

ENGL 132H.001 | Honors: Intro to Fiction Writing

ENGL 133H.001 | Honors: Intro to Poetry Writing


ECON 101H.001 | Introduction to Economics

ECON 101H.002 | Introduction to Economics

ECON 327H.005 | Sports Entrepreneurship

ECON 400H.001 | Introduction to Data Science and Econometrics.

English & Comparative Literature

ENGL 120H.001 | Introduction to British Literature: 650-1750 CE

ENGL 224H.001 | Survey of Medieval English Literature, excluding Chaucer

ENGL 225H.001 | Shakespeare

ENGL 265H.001 | Literature and Race, Literature and Ethnicity: #BlackLivesMatter and the New Humanism

ENGL 362H.001 | Asian American Literature and History

Food Studies

HNRS 330.001 | Is Dinner Sustainable? A Human Dilemma - The Honors Carolina Global Food Program Seminar


HIST 174H.001 | Honors Seminar in African, Asian, and Middle Eastern History

HIST 179H.001 | Slavery and the US Civil War

HIST 189H.001 | The Global Order from World War II to the Present

HIST 291H.001 | Putting Literature and History in Dialogue

HIST 438H.001 | Medieval Masculinities, 500-1200

HNRS 390.002 | Slavery and the University


LING 101H.001 | Introduction to Language


MATH 233H.001 | Calculus of Functions of Several Variables

MATH 381H.001 | Discrete Math

MATH 383H.001 | First Course Differential Equations

Media & Journalism

MEJO 523H.001 | Broadcast News and Production Management

MEJO 523H.002 | Broadcast News and Production Management

MEJO 523H.003 | Broadcast News and Production Management

MEJO 625H.001 | Media Hub

MEJO 625H.002 | Media Hub

Medicine, Literature & Culture

ENGL 268H.001 | Medicine, Literature, and Culture

HNRS 390.003 | Narrative and Medicine

Peace, War & Defense

PWAD 101H.001 | Making American Public Policy

PWAD 150H.001 | International Relations and World Politics


PHIL 101H.001 | Introduction to Main Problems in Philosophy

PHIL 220H.001 | 17th and 18th Century Western Philosophy

PHIL 230H.001 | Mind, Matter, and Metaphysics: the Philosophy of Experience and Reality

PHIL 273H.001 | Justice, Rights, and the Common Good: Philosophical Perspectives on Social and Economic Issues

PHIL 274H.001 | African American Political Philosophy


Political Science

POLI 100H.001 | Introduction to Government in the United States

POLI 150H.001 | International Relations and World Politics

POLI 233H.001 | Comparative Politics of the Middle East

POLI 255H.001 | International Migration

POLI 433H.001 | Politics of the European Union

HNRS 390.001 | Current Challenges in Criminal Justice


PSYC 245H.001 | Psychopathology

PSYC 533H.001 | The General Linear Model in Psychology

Public Health

Public Policy

PLCY 101H.001 | Making American Public Policy

PLCY 210H.001 | Policy Innovation and Analysis


SPAN 261H.001 | Advanced Spanish in Context

Women’s & Gender Studies

WGST 101H.001 | Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies