Spring 2023 Honors Courses

Course times and offerings subject to change. Please refer to ConnectCarolina for information on general education requirements.
Second-, third-, and fourth-year students may use the following honors course equivalents to earn credit toward completion of the Honors Carolina Laureate requirements. More details here.



American Studies


ARTS 105H.001 | Basic Photography


BIOL 202H.001 | Molecular Biology and Genetics

BIOL 205H.001 | Cellular and Developmental Biology

BIOL 220H.001 | Molecular Genetics

BIOL 224H.001 | The Mathematics of Life

BIOL 436H.001 | Plant Genetics, Development, and Biotechnology


BUSI 409H.001 | Advanced Corporate Finance

BUSI 500H.001 | Entrepreneurship and Business Planning

BUSI 509H.001 | Entrepreneurs Lab: Advanced Entrepreneurial Insight and Leadership

BUSI 532H.001 | Service Operations Management

BUSI 554H.001 | Consulting Skills and Frameworks

BUSI 580H.001 | Investments

BUSI 580H.002 | Investments

BUSI 582H.001 | Mergers and Acquisitions

BUSI 582H.002 | Mergers and Acquisitions

BUSI 583H.001 | Applied Investment Management

BUSI 604H.001 | Real Estate and Capital Markets


CHEM 101H.001 | General Descriptive Chemistry I

CHEM 102H.001 | Advanced General Descriptive Chemistry

CHEM 241H.001 | Modern Analytical Methods for Separation and Characterization

CHEM 261H.001 | Honors Organic Chemistry I

CHEM 262H.001 | Honors Organic Chemistry II

CHEM 397H.001 | Honors Colloquium in Chemistry

CHEM 430H.001 | Intro to Biochemistry

CHEM 460H.001 | Intermediate Organic Chemistry


CLAS 133H.001 | Epic & Tragedy

CLAS 240H.001 | Women in Greek Art and Literature

CLAS 263H.001 | Athletics in the Greek and Roman World

Communication Studies

COMM 120H.001 | Introduction to Interpersonal and Organizational Communication

COMM 140H.001 | Introduction to Media History / Theory / Cirticism

Computer Science

COMP 283H.001 | Discrete Structures

COMP 380H.001 | Introduction to Digital Culture

Creative Writing

ENGL 132H.001 | Honors: Intro to Fiction Writing

ENGL 133H.001 | Honors: Intro to Poetry Writing


ECON 325H.001 | Entrepreneurship: Principles and Practice

English & Comparative Literature

CMPL 489H.001 | Empire and Diplomacy

ENGL 234H.001 | The British Novel from 1870 to World War II

ENGL 283H.001 | Life Writing

ENGL 337H.001 | The Romantic Revolution in the Arts

HNRS 390.002 | The Elements of Politics II

Environment, Ecology & Energy

ENEC 325H.001 | Water Resource Management and Human Rights

Food Studies

HNRS 330.001 | Is Dinner 'Sustainable' - A Human Dilemma (The Honors Carolina Global Food Program Seminar)

Global Studies

HNRS 390.001 | Love and Freedom: Spirituality and Social Change, a Global Perspective

GLBL 483H.001 | Comparative Health Systems

GLBL 486H.001 | Sports and Globalization

GLBL 491H.001 | Major Controversies in Human Rights


HIST 163H. | Modern Central Asia

HIST 256H. | France, 1940 to the Present

HIST 260H. | From Kings to Communists: East-Central Europe in the Modern Era

HIST 315H. | Nation-Building in Latin America

HIST 340H.001 | Ethics and Business in Africa

HIST 534H. | Slavery and the US Civil War

Jewish Studies

JWST 503H.001 | Exploring the Dead Sea Scrolls

Management & Society

MNGT 120H.001 | Introduction to Interpersonal and Organizational Communication


MATH 233H.001 | Calculus of Functions of Several Variables

MATH 381H.001 | Discrete Math

MATH 383H.001 | First Course Differential Equations

Media & Journalism

MEJO 447H.001 | Media in the UK: London

MEJO 523H.001 | Broadcast News and Production Management

MEJO 523H.002 | Broadcast News and Production Management

MEJO 523H.003 | Broadcast News and Production Management

MEJO 625H.001 | Media Hub

MEJO 625H.002 | Media Hub

MEJO 670H.001 | Digital Marketing and Advertising

MEJO 670H.002 | Digital Marketing and Advertising

Medicine, Literature & Culture

HNRS 350.001 | Learning the Art of Medicine


MUSC 390H.001 | Music and Politics

Peace, War & Defense

PWAD 150H.001 | International Relations and World Politics

PWAD 252H.001 | International Organizations and Global Issues

PWAD 489H.001 | Empire and Diplomacy


PHIL 150H.001 | Theory, Evidence, and Understanding in Science

PHIL 160H.001 | Introduction to Ethics

PHIL 163H.001 | Practical Ethics: Moral Reasoning and How We Live

PHIL 210H.001 | Wonder, Myth, and Reason: Introduction to Ancient Greek Science and Philosophy


Political Science

POLI 150H.001 | International Relations and World Politics

POLI 252H.001 | International Organizations and Global Issues

POLI 255H.001 | International Migration & Citizenship

POLI 270H.001 | Classical Political Thought

Psychology & Neuroscience

NSCI 222H.001 | Learning

NSCI 225H.001 | Sensation and Perception

PSYC 245H.001 | Psychopathology

Public Health

SPHG 428H.001 | Public Health Entrepreneurship

SPHG 428H.002 | Public Health Entrepreneurship

Public Policy

PLCY 340H.001 | Justice in Public Policy

Religious Studies

RELI 185H.001 | Women/Gender/Islam

RELI 217H.001 | Gnosticism

RELI 503H.001 | Exploring the Dead Sea Scrolls


SPAN 301H.001 | Introduction to Literary and Cultural Analysis

SPAN 301H.002 | Introduction to Literary and Cultural Analysis

Women’s & Gender Studies

WGST 111H.001 | Introduction to Sexuality Studies

WGST 240H.001 | Women in Greek Art and Literature