
The Honors Seminar on Public Policy and Global Affairs includes an internship and two weekly seminars.

This seminar offers Carolina undergraduates a unique ‘study abroad’ learning, living, and internship opportunity in our nation’s capital. The seminar offers students first-hand engagement with the actors and organizations that influence domestic and international affairs in Washington, D.C. It aims to expose students to a range of public policies that influence U.S. economic prosperity, national security, and its role in the broader global community. Internship placements provide opportunities for students to apply academic learning, to derive new insights and questions for seminar discussion, and to work directly with substantive policy experts.


PLCY 352H | Seminar on Public Policy and Global Affairs

Making Connections: Social and Behavioral Sciences (SS)

Three (3) graded credit hours are awarded for satisfactory completion of the weekly morning seminar, which focuses on a study of domestic and global affairs within the U.S. political and policy-making process.

NOTE: PLCY 352H is approved to count for 3 credits toward the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) minor.

PLCY 353H | The Role of the Public, Private and Non-Profit Sector in Addressing Policy Challenges

Making Connections: Social and Behavioral Sciences (SS)

Three (3) graded credit hours are awarded for satisfactory completion  of the weekly afternoon seminar, which focuses on the roles of experts and expertise in addressing and solving major domestic and global policy problems.

PLCY 395H | Research in Public Policy and Global Affairs


Two (2) additional credits will be awarded for satisfactory completion of the weekly research skills development section to provide students with the mentoring and practice to enhance their research, analytical, writing and presentation skills.

PLCY 493H | Internship in Public Policy and Global Affairs (6 Credits)

Making Connections: Experiential Education (EE) and IDEAs in Action: HI-INTERN

Students work four days a week at a domestic or international affairs agency and organization and are awarded six graded credit hours upon the successful completion of a program of work directed by a senior mentor at the host agency or organization.