Program Highlights

Program Dates

Fall 2025

Faculty Director

Robert Jenkins, Department of Political Science

Program Highlights

The Transatlantic Security Program will provide students with both knowledge of historical and institutional development of Transatlantic Security policies and access to organizations and experts who are involved in the policy process. Since 1949, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) has brought together North American and European states to meet collective defense needs as well as serve as a broad security framework in Europe. As the European Union (EU) has evolved, particularly since adoption of the Maastricht Treaty in 1992, foreign, security, and defense policies and institutions have been created and deepened. The overlapping territorial focus of both organizations, their contemporaneous evolution, and mix of member states and interests make comparisons between NATO and the EU interesting. Both NATO and the EU are headquartered in Brussels, and classroom learning will be complemented with access to both organizations in addition to security experts working in think tanks and other local NGOs. Students on the program will have face-to-face interaction with officials making policy and experts who analyze these policies, bringing the experiential dimension to learning from texts.