
ENEC 320H (3 Credit Hours)
The Future of Energy 

Professor: Greg Gangi
Major/Minor Credit: Environment, Ecology and Energy
General Education Attributes: Social Sciences (SS), Global Issues (GL)
Pre-Requisite: none 

This course will look at past energy transitions and then dive into our current transitions toward low carbon economies. Emphasis will be placed on the leading role that European countries have played, especially Germany. We will also search for lessons for the United States, not only with regards to technological directions, but also with regard to how communities threatened by the demise of coal are being handled. 

ENEC 490H (3 Credit Hours)
Special Topics: Europe and Sustainability: Past, Present, and Future 

Professor: Greg Gangi
Major/Minor Credit: Environment, Ecology and Energy
Pre-requisites: none 

In conjunction with ENEC 320H, this course will first examine history and demonstrate how Europe, the main architect of the global economy, created the template for the very unsustainable world we live in now. Most of this course will be spent examining how Europe, and especially the key countries we are focusing on, are helping to provide solutions to the world for a more sustainable existence. 

The instructional component will be delivered through recorded lectures. Time during the day will be spent in discussion, meeting with experts and visiting academic institutions, companies and with urban planners and policymakers.