
The program provides an opportunity to earn five hours of graded credit.

This program satisfies Experiential Education (EE) for those in the Making Connections curriculum and HI-ABROAD for those in IDEAs in Action.

HNRS 362 | NHS Scotland – Policies, Problems, and Innovative Solutions (3 credits)

Dr. Kenneth Donnelly, Department of Biomedical Engineering
Making Connections: Social and Behavioral Sciences (SS), North Atlantic World (NA)
IDEAs in Action: FC-PAST

Counts towards interdisciplinary minor in Medicine, Literature, and Culture

This course will study the evolution of the National Health Service in Scotland and will enable students to appreciate how design and innovation should not just be thought of in terms of technology and devices but also in terms of ideas, policy, and organizational structure. They will examine how historical, political, and economic conditions can provide the impetus for innovation and, conversely, how constraints created by government inertia, funding sources, and cultural conservatism can slow this process. This class will cover topics relevant to the creation and evolution of NHS Scotland such as:

  • The demographics and geography of Scotland
  • Post-war politics and reconstruction
  • Economic changes in the UK
  • Perceptions of the NHS from population to government
  • Differences in healthcare provision within the UK

This class will also survey the emerging technologies which could become available to healthcare providers, and which could revolutionize how it is delivered. It will ask students how to think how these and other technologies which could improve the lifespan of the population may introduce new funding and capacity problems for a fully publicly-funding healthcare system.

BMME 398H | Innovation and Design for Healthcare Technologies (2 credits)

Dr. Kenneth Donnelly, Department of Biomedical Engineering

This course is a core design class in the Biomedical and Health Sciences Engineering undergraduate curriculum. This will be taught as a project-based learning course which will allow students to learn the design process by designing and building a prototype solution to a healthcare-related problem. In developing their projects, students will gain experience in prototyping technologies such as 3D modelling software, laser cutters, and 3D printers. Students will also learn how to use some simple electronics and microcomputers to control the environment and make things move.

There are no pre-requisite courses for this program.